The Adventure
The Adventure
根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類 。
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
Sorry, the content of this store can't be seen by a younger audience. Come back when you're older.
在口感上,它大膽而帶有胡椒味,油膩的口感完全包裹住口腔。PX 雪利酒桶的特質閃閃發光,帶來堅果的複雜性、杏仁的觸感,以及深色乾果的深度。
尾韻溫暖、悠長、複雜,呼應了 PX 雪利酒特有的豐富口感。每一口都讓人回味無窮,留下令人難忘的深度與層次感。
As you raise the glass to your nose, a wave of festive aromas washes over you. Peppermint creams mingle with creamy toffee, creating a delightful reminder of childhood treats. A hint of tiramisu adds a touch of sophistication.
On the palate, the whisky bursts with the sweetness of hard-boiled toffee sweets, balanced by the exotic warmth of star anise. The finish is a symphony of holiday flavours, with gingerbread, wood shavings, and cinnamon buns dancing on your tongue. Each sip is like unwrapping a beautifully decorated gift, revealing a new layer of flavour with each taste.
This whisky is a perfect companion for your Halloween celebrations. Whether you're carving pumpkins, sharing ghost stories, or simply enjoying the crisp autumn air, it will add a touch of magic to your evening. So raise a glass, and let the spooky season begin!
As you take the first sniff, a rich aroma of fudge and macadamia nuts envelops you, reminiscent of a decadent Halloween treat. Hints of prunes and soft wood spices add a touch of intrigue, inviting you to delve deeper into the flavour profile.
On the palate, the whisky explodes with the smooth, velvety texture of freshly whipped cream. Dark cherries and a rye-like spice dance on your tongue, creating a complex and intriguing flavour combination.
The finish is a delightful surprise, with notes of shortcrust pastry and a harmonious interplay between sherry and vanilla notes.
It's a rare opportunity to taste a whisky distilled back in 1973!
Continuing with the theme, you will find ripe bananas, dark toffee, and vanilla in the last whisky. Intertwine A warm embrace of spices – cloves, allspice, cinnamon, and anise – creates a festive atmosphere that evokes the spirit of Halloween. A touch of charred oak adds depth and complexity to the bouquet.
On the palate, the whisky explodes with a burst of fruit, toffee, and anise. The spices, vanilla, and charred oak linger on the tongue, creating a harmonious and lingering finish. The tannins add a touch of dryness, while the lingering sweetness of toffee and oak leaves you with a warm and comforting sensation.
To mark our first anniversary, we've partnered with Asta Morris to bring you a truly special whisky: an 8-year-old Glentauchers, matured primarily in bourbon casks and finished in PX sherry casks. This exclusive bottling is a demonstration to the artistry of the bottler Asta Morris.
The whisky opens with a delicate and inviting aroma, showcasing light nuttiness intertwined with red currant, dried leaves, and a hint of wet oak. A touch of elegant white pepper adds a subtle spice. On the palate, the initial peppery note gives way to a smooth, oily texture, revealing layers of red fruits and the elegant influence of the PX cask. The finish is exceptionally long and warming, leaving a lingering complexity that lingers long after the last sip.
Bottled at 52.5%, this whisky is a testament to the quality of the spirit. We believe the slight dilution from cask strength allows the flavours to shine without the need for added water.
For our second anniversary, we're taking you on a smoky journey where Highland meets Islay. A vibrant whisky from the Ardmore distillery aged in an ex-Laphroaig barrel. The nose gives you the familiarities of Islay: salty seaweed and smoked ham mingle with hints of vanilla cake. While the palate transforms you into Highland style peat, a fresher style of smoke and a bit of minerality, flint, citrus juice.
We recommend enjoying this whisky at its full strength to fully appreciate its complex flavors. However, if you prefer a milder approach, a touch of water can be added to enhance the citrus notes.
Our third anniversary is a venture into the realm of rare and closed distilleries with a truly special bottling: Littlemill for Little Hill. This exclusive expression captures the essence of this legendary distillery, now closed, offering a glimpse into a bygone era of whisky making.
On the first sniff, a symphony of tropical fruits, with syrupy lychee, passion fruit, and peaches. Agave syrup, mint leaves, demerara sugar, and custard add layers of complexity. The fruitiness intensifies on the palate, showcasing a full-bodied character with a distinct dunnage warehouse background. Hard-boiled sweets dusted in flour mingle with greengages, lime, and lemon drizzle cake. The finish of the whisky remains long and fruity, with a growing oily mustiness that is a hallmark of Littlemill. No water is needed for this beauty!
This limited-edition bottling is a true collector's item, offering a taste of history and a testament to the unique character of Littlemill. Join us in celebrating three years of whisky adventures with this rare and exceptional expression!
在鬱鬱蔥蔥、生機勃勃的 Reunion 島(法國的一部分)中心,坐落著著名的 Savanna 朗姆酒釀造廠,它坐落在高聳的山脈和青翠的甘蔗田之間。一個多世紀以來,這家手工釀酒廠一直致力於釀造品質卓越的朗姆酒,將傳統工藝與現代專業技術相結合,釀造出捕捉了 Reunion 島精髓的烈酒。
在他們的珍品中,有一款精緻的 Le Must 朗姆酒,這是傳統朗姆酒和特級 Arome 朗姆酒在 Savanna 的熱帶酒窖中陳釀長達 9 年之久而釀造出來的。Le Must 口味複雜而精緻,帶有香草、焦糖水果和一絲香料的味道。這讓我們想起了 Bakehouse 的草莓丹麥酥!口感醇厚,香料的尾韻中長。
在法國諾曼第地區,Christian Drouin 蒸餾廠是上等 Calvados
酒鑒賞家的天堂。Drouin 家族世世代代致力於釀造卓越的烈酒。本期冒險的主角是 1995 年蒸餾、2014 年裝瓶的 Calvados 佳釀。這款酒採用精挑細選的奧熱地區蘋果釀製,在紅橡木桶中陳釀 18 年,最後在波特酒桶中精釀一年。因此,這款卡爾瓦多斯酒具有無與倫比的複雜性和深度。初次品嘗這種酒,您會被帶到陽光下的果園,周圍彌漫著新鮮蘋果醬、烤杏仁和微妙香料的芳香。每一口都能感受到不同的風味,充分展示了 Drouin 家族的精湛技藝和執著追求。
我們建議凈飲 Calvados ,讓它的細微差別在口中充分展現。它是溫暖季節的完美陪伴,為您帶來清爽而精緻的享受。
最後一款非威士忌烈酒是 Vallein-Tercinier 的干邑,這是一家深受威士忌酒客喜愛的精品干邑廠。Hors d'Age是一個產區名稱,可用於陳釀至少 10 年的烈酒。不過,在干邑中,它通常用於 30-50 年左右的陳年干邑。
Hors d'Age 干邑的香氣濃郁持久,以獨特的 “rancio ”特徵為主。與之相輔相成的是一系列辛辣的味道,包括肉桂、生姜、香草、木頭和誘人的木製雪茄盒的香味。
當干邑入口時,它首先展現出許多大香檳干邑特有的細膩和柔和。隨後,干邑在Limousin橡木桶中陳釀,散發出細膩的香草氣息。Hors d'Age 干邑的尾韻悠長,證明了每一瓶干邑的卓越品質和精湛工藝。
在探索了法國的各種烈酒之後,我們來到蘇格蘭斯佩塞的中心地帶,接下來要品嚐的是 Linkwood 蒸餾廠的威士忌。這款威士忌在前蘇玳酒桶中陳釀,散發出橙子果醬、肉桂和茉莉花的濃郁香氣,向蘇格蘭和法國致敬。
這款威士忌的酒精度為 56.4%,可以加入幾滴水,以獲得更全面的體驗。
最後是由 Cadenhead's 在前 Chateau Lafite 酒桶中陳釀的 Strathmill 19 年 。這款裝瓶來自其正宗系列,僅在歐洲的 Cadenhead's 商店有售。
這款威士忌濃郁的色澤暗示了酒桶的深遠影響。香氣上,一股誘人的乾漿果和木香撲鼻而來,隨後是淡淡的杏仁糖香味。酒桶的影響在口感上更為明顯,使您感受到一種乾爽但充滿紅色漿果風味的威士忌。在 19 年的陳釀過程中,威士忌與酒桶和諧地融為一體。
今年七月,冒險禮盒將帶來一次真正獨特的體驗: Master Blender's Reserve 2022慶祝Black Tot Day。這不是普通的朗姆酒,而是一次時光倒流之旅!
以海軍級濃度裝瓶,濃度為 54.5%。這款朗姆酒的香氣是融化的朱古力碎,烤過的榛子與溫暖的橘子和肉桂棒,混合熱帶果汁和黑醋栗的背景。隨著在杯中時間的推移,黑加侖和覆盆子葉開始出現。
香氣豐富而充滿果味,帶有巧克力布朗尼,杏仁,椰子和開心果。 棗,草莓和青蘋果皮。
口感有鹹焦糖和太妃糖蘋果,帶些許丁香。 菠蘿糖漿,檸檬糖霜蛋糕和爆炸糖。
這款威士忌是 Bunnahabhain 釀酒廠未來的經典之作。Ma 代表 Margadale,一條流經酒廠的河流。
在本月的 'The Adventure' 中,禮盒包含一塊來自 The Clean Essentials 的固體洗碗皂。這些肥皂均為小批量手工製作,100% 可生物降解,從產品到包裝零浪費,不含香料,絕對不含塑料 - 對您的家庭和環境更好。非常適合清潔您的威士忌酒杯,讓它們再次閃閃發光!朝著永續發展的小轉變從這裡開始。享受!
No Ordinary Gin: 一個關於友誼、威士忌和意外驚喜的故事
名字說明了一切: 非凡氈酒!這款獨特的酒誕生於 Asta Morris 創始人和他的同伴們之間的一個友好賭約。在一個熱鬧的歡樂時光中,朋友們質疑創始人對威士忌的堅定偏好,建議他探索一下氈酒的世界。他的回答是,他更喜歡可以純飲的烈酒,而他發現當時的大多數氈酒都缺乏這種特質。
熱帶珍寶:Cadenhead's 小批量愛爾蘭威士忌
踏上這款卓越愛爾蘭威士忌的感官之旅吧,它是 Cadenhead's 已停產的小批量系列中的瑰寶,已有 13 年的歷史。是的,您沒有看錯!這款威士忌於 2006 年蒸餾,2019 年裝瓶,但 10 年後,酒桶被移出愛爾蘭,因此只能標註為 10 年陳釀。
Step inside a world of pure indulgence with this exceptional 21-year-old whisky. Imagine the intoxicating aromas of a bustling bakery, where the air is thick with the sweet scent of freshly baked treats. Crystallized ginger, soft fudge, and star anise dance in perfect harmony, creating a sweet-scented masterpiece.
As you take a sip, the flavours explode on your palate, reminiscent of a freshly baked pumpkin pie. Whipped cream and caramel add a touch of decadence, while the lingering warmth of spices evokes the comforting aroma of a well-stocked baking cupboard. With its impressive 63% abv, thiw whisky can use a few drops of water to soften round off the tough edges and releasing the full spectrum of aromas.
The finish is a sweet and spicy delight that lingers long after the last drop has been savoured.
Stronachie Distillery自1928年關閉後被遺忘於歷史,直到A.D. Rattray發現了一個1904年的原始酒瓶,令他們可以採樣並在同樣偏遠和高海拔的Benrinnes Distillery重新製作類似的蘇格蘭威士忌。A.D. Rattray在前波本威士忌酒桶中熟成Benrinnes的烈酒18年,然後作小批量裝瓶。這款頂级麥芽威士忌準確地複製出原始Stronachie威士忌的風味。
芬蘭最大的蒸餾廠是成立於 2002 年的 Teerenpeli。這家家族經營的蒸餾廠最初是在Lahti的一家餐館裡,後來擴展到城外一個更大的廠房。Teerenpeli Portti在波本威士忌酒桶中熟成3-4年後在波特酒桶中熟成一年半。
旅程將橫跨大西洋,前往以盛產波本威士忌而聞名的美國。Heaven Hill Distillery成立於1934年,是世界上最大的家族式釀酒廠之一。最初的酒廠建在William Heavenhill擁有的Bardstown土地上。據總裁Max Shapira稱,由於在遞交給法蘭克福州政府官員的文件中拼寫錯誤,酒廠名稱被改成了現在的樣子。 由Cadenhead's的小批次Heaven Hill在波本桶熟成12年。香氣是椰子、草莓糖和皮革。口感有杏仁、黑朱古力和菠蘿。尾韻有奇異果和有點乾燥。我們建議淨飲這款威士忌以體驗其豐富而複雜的口味。
靜岡蒸餾所第 3 枝威士忌取名為 Contact S,是一枝結合原輕井澤蒸餾器「K」蒸餾的原酒,和蘇格蘭製木柴直火加熱蒸餾器 「W 」蒸餾的原酒調製而成。以日本麥芽為主,配以少量蘇格蘭泥煤風味麥芽、蘇格蘭無泥煤風味麥芽和德國啤酒麥芽。於初填波本桶和四分之一桶熟成,裝瓶數為 5000 瓶。
Contact S 具有兩個蒸餾器的原酒,口味互相平衡,充滿果香及悠長的尾韻,絕對能滿足日本威士忌迷!這款亦是靜岡蒸餾所第一款全枝裝出口到日本以外地區銷售。
High Coast Distillery 最初名為 Box Distillery,以生產紙盒的地方命名。在更改名稱之前曾出產過幾款威士忌,這款五月冒險禮盒的試飲裝就是其中之一。百分百經過泥煤燻過的威士忌,在波本酒桶中陳釀4年半後,再換到純正美國橡木桶中陳釀8個月。